Tuesday 9 December 2014


For our change the world project, our initial idea was to create a film which would begin with one person doing a good deed to another such as giving them money or offering them directions and we would then follow them as they would go on to receive a good deed from someone else and a chain would be created. 

Due to the fact that this would require many actors and good weather, this idea unfortunately had to be changed and so instead we decided upon filming a documentary style piece, combining interviews with a range of establishing shots. This we felt would allow us to demonstrate our audio skills and fine tune our camera work, while also include various editing techniques which we have not yet displayed. 

The general structure of this piece will consist of an establishing shot, followed by footage of the interview itself. Whilst the interview audio is playing, we will also splice in some shots of the location in question in order to give more scope to where the interview is taking place as well as allowing us to display our editing skills. Titles will also be used in order to make it clear what our objective is and what we are asking the interviewees. The two questions which we shall use will be "With £5 how would you change the world?" and "How would you destroy the world?" This questions I believe link to the brief as it does not specify whether the change should be good or bad and so will display both sides of the objective whilst also allowing a range of opinions to be collected. 

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